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My Physical Therapist Recommended This New Shoulder Pain Treatment & It Reduced My Pain By 60% In The First Week
With 12,563+ 5-Star Reviews And Physical Therapists Loving It, Why Not Try It Yourself?
09/12/2024, By Jay Mitchell
In this short 5-minute article, you'll learn why shoulder pain seems impossible to get rid of and what the real solution is (hint: even most physical therapists don't know this!). Read on to fix shoulder pain for good...
Note: After reading, you’ll never suffer from debilitating shoulder pain again!
My shoulder was hurting so much that I would struggle to do the smallest chores around the house and yard. I was even having trouble at work. I spoke to my doctor and was told that I had a tear in my rotator cuff and that surgery would be the only option. After finding out that it could cost anywhere from $20,000 to $90,000 USD I was in shock...
I wanted to do anything possible to recover without surgery. I tried over-the-counter pain medication, physical therapy, and all sorts of other treatments. But none of them gave long-lasting pain relief.
But I didn't want to sit around and do nothing. I knew that I had to fix the problem otherwise my life would be terrible and I'd have no one to blame but myself. So I spent hours every day researching. Looking for a way to get rid of my shoulder pain.
Finally, I found pain relief after trying what the physical therapist recommended me
After a few days of trying what this physical therapist recommended to me, I started to notice a significant difference in shoulder pain. I started reducing the number of painkillers I took on a daily basis and after about a week I completely stopped.
This physical therapist explained to me the real root cause of my shoulder pain and why it just wouldn't go away...
It turns out that despite all the rest and treatments I tried, my shoulder wasn't actually healing. It kept getting re-injured over and over again
He explained that once the shoulder is injured, the delicate muscles and tendons around the shoulder joint lose the ability to support the shoulder and keep it firmly within the shoulder socket. This is why you can hear cracking or popping sounds, feel like the shoulder is grinding, and experience pain.
At this point, instead of being held in a strong position, the shoulder is forced to move while being in a weak position - practically popping in and out of its own socket. This is continuously causing re-injury and is why the shoulder never recovers.
He then explained that my shoulder needed extra support so it could be kept in a strong position while it recovers, so it could avoid the constant re-injuries.
Why did none of my previous doctors tell me this? They must have been waiting for me to keep coming back to pay their consulting fee and using me for money. I was furious but also extremely hopeful when this physical therapist recommended me this new solution...
The physical therapist then recommended a new product called the Compression Shoulder Brace™ by Healthy Lab Co
Since everything my physical therapist told me so far made so much sense and had already helped me more than anything else so far, I decided to give it a go.
At first, I was skeptical. I didn't see how a shoulder brace would help get rid of my shoulder pain. But after getting this Compression Shoulder Brace and wearing it for a week, my shoulder pain seemingly disappeared! My pain was 80% gone within the first few days. After using it for a few weeks, my shoulder felt more stable and I was able to go through my day without pain.
This is seriously the best invention since sliced bread! I felt so relieved that I didn't have to go down the surgery path and that I was able to get back to living a normal life.
Curious about exactly how it worked, I went back to my physical therapist to ask. This is what I was told:
"The Compression Shoulder Brace uses a proprietary Neo-Copper Stabilizing technology. This combines the soft flexibility of Neoprene fabric with the strong metallic properties of copper particles to provide the right amount of support to put the shoulder in a strong position, without sacrificing mobility. Almost like an extra set of fake muscles and ligaments designed to support your real ones."
With how great my shoulder felt, I knew that Healthy Lab Co really did something right.
If you're suffering from rotator cuff injuries, shoulder arthritis, bursitis or any sort of shoulder pain you NEED the Compression Shoulder Brace™ by Healthy Lab Co
It doesn't matter if your shoulder pain is caused by a rotator cuff injury, osteoarthritis, frozen shoulder, or pinched nerves, the Compression Shoulder Brace will help get rid of the pain and speed up recovery.
No matter what sort of shoulder pain you're experiencing, the root cause of it all is some form of injury or inflammation in the shoulder. And putting your shoulder in a stable position that allows it to recover without continuous re-injury is vital for your recovery.
Trust me, I've been through it all and it scares me to know that if this one physical therapist didn't tell me about this, I'd still be suffering from shoulder pain today.
What's even scarier is knowing that with each re-injury, the shoulder gets closer to never being able to function the way it did before. Scar tissue continuously builds up over time, causing permanent pain and loss of movement.
Don't sit around hoping for your shoulder pain to go away. And don't rely on pain medications or massages that just get rid of the pain temporarily. You need to give your shoulder the chance to recover!
Click here to get the Compression Shoulder Brace today and get rid of shoulder pain
The Compression Shoulder Brace worked so well that I even bought a second one to wear just for bed and a third to rotate between during the week
I wear a completely separate Compression Shoulder Brace when I sleep because I didn't want the disgusting dirt and sweat that accumulates on it during the day to end up on my sheets. Especially since I sweat quite a bit during the day now that I'm able to go back to exercising and going about my life as usual.
I also bought a third to rotate between throughout the week. This way I can wear one for a few days then put it in the washing and switch to my clean one. While still having a fresh one I wear only in bed.
At the time that I ordered, Healthy Lab Co was offering a special promotion for ordering multiple braces because they knew their customers liked to rotate between them to stay clean.
Have a look when you place your order to see if you can still get 3 or 2 Compression Shoulder Braces at a discounted rate. I highly recommend getting 3, hygiene is no joke!
When you're back to running errands and doing all sorts of physical activity, you'll be glad you have a few to rotate between.
What makes the Compression Shoulder Brace™ better than other shoulder braces?
Is the Compression Shoulder Brace uncomfortable?
When I first got it, I was worried that it'd be super uncomfortable and that I'd give up wearing it in a few days. But I was pleasantly surprised by how comfortable it is!
The neoprene material is very soft and almost has a bouncy memory foam-like feel to it. I wear it for the whole day and barely notice it's there. But I do admit, sometimes when I'm moving around a lot, I do get a bit uncomfortable. But wearing it over my shirt instead of underneath it makes it a lot better.
Overall, it's very comfortable and in most use cases you'll be completely fine with it.
And if you consider how much it relieves shoulder pain, it's a no-brainer! My shoulder pain was so much worse without the Compression Shoulder Brace. Even if the brace started to get a little uncomfortable, I still felt infinitely better with it on. I'd take wearing this over stabbing shoulder pain any day of the week.
So if you're worried about comfort being an issue, trust me...Shoulder pain is a lot worse and you'll be better off with the brace. No doubt about it!
Is the Compression Shoulder Brace better than a massage, physical therapy, or medication?

While all these things do help a bit, they don't actually target the root problem, which is the shoulder being constantly re-injured and prevented from recovering due to poor shoulder support.
Plus, unlike a massage or physical therapy session, you can use the Compression Shoulder Brace™ device whenever and wherever you want. There's no need to pay $100 per hour to consult a chiropractor or physical therapist.
Constantly putting drugs into my system so I wouldn't feel the pain wasn't an option for me. I wanted something that actually got rid of the pain instead of covering it up as painkillers do.
In the end, medication, massages, and physical therapy only provide temporary relief for a few hours maximum. To get long-term relief from shoulder pain, you must fix the root cause of the issue. To do so, you need to provide stable shoulder support day and night.
If you want immediate relief from shoulder pain, as well as prevention of constant re-injury and to promote long-term shoulder health, you should get the Compression Shoulder Brace from Healthy Lab Co.
Try Risk-Free For 60 Days & Love It Or Your Money Back
Get 55% Off For A Limited Time (First 200 Customers Only)
Here's What Satisfied Compression Shoulder Brace Customers Had To Say:

Charlotte S. Verified Review | Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Great product! 👍 Easy to use and works very well 🤩
I love the Compression Shoulder Brace. My shoulder feels so much better now. For the first time, I was able to sleep through the night after being in pain and waking up every 4 hours for 6 months. Amazing. I am really in love with this!

Saqib C. Verified Review | Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This actually works!
I've been living with a shoulder injury for the last couple of months and a friend recommended this product. The results were instant and amazing. I didn't realize how much low-grade pain I had been enduring until I put this on. 99% of the pain and discomfort immediately went away. In fact, the effects were so dramatic, it was like taking medication, but without side effects.
It relaxed my whole body and changed my posture for the better. This brace is comfortable, easy to put on, and it fits perfectly. (I'm around 6' with a medium build) I'm definitely going to order another one, so I can always have a fresh brace on hand.

Koa H. Verified Review | Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Old Shoulder Injury Pain - Incredible Improvement
My husband had a shoulder injury 20 years ago and is a carpenter. He lives in a constant state of pain, which means I often don't get a good night's sleep (nor does he). He's been wearing this shoulder brace daily for over a week. It supports his shoulder, allowing him to work with less pain throughout the day; he has slept with it on, which has given him relief in order to sleep. Seriously, he said this is one of the best things he's ever purchased.
If you're suffering from shoulder pain from rotator cuff injuries, frozen shoulder, bursitis, nerve pain, or any sort of shoulder pain and want a real solution, there's no reason not to try the Compression Shoulder Brace by Healthy Lab Co

The Compression Shoulder Brace™ is not available in stores and can only be found online through the link on this page.
Now that you've discovered how you can finally relieve shoulder pain, all you have to do is:
- Go to the official Healthy Lab Co Compression Shoulder Brace website to place your order
- Enjoy relief from shoulder pain in minutes
- Use daily for long-term relief and support to promote healing
When you use this link, you'll also get access to a limited-time 55% OFF discount (save over $81)
The Compression Shoulder Brace usually retails for $160, but today with your 55% off discount, you're getting it for $79.
That's a HUGE total saving of over $81 by taking advantage of this limited-time reader-only special.
Don't sit around waiting and hoping, you don't have forever...

If you don't make a change, your shoulder pain won't magically disappear. It'll keep getting re-injured because it's currently in a weak position. It needs the extra support from the Compression Shoulder Brace to properly heal.
Take it from me, I suffered from shoulder pain for years before I finally found this. And the results have been incredible.
Don't let scar tissue build up and result in permanent loss of mobility and pain.
Over 12,563 people have already grabbed the Compression Shoulder Brace for themselves and left 5-star reviews. In the last 6 months, Healthy Lab Co has sold out over 5 times already.
If you really want to get rid of shoulder pain and return to a normal life, get it before it's sold out.
Healthy Lab Co even gets rid of all the risk with their '60-Day Shoulder Pain Relief Or Your Money Back' guarantee

That means that if you don't enjoy significant shoulder pain relief within 60 days, you can ask them for a refund.
Even if you're at the 60-day mark and if for whatever reason you're unhappy with the Compression Shoulder Brace, you can return it for a refund. That means there's absolutely no risk.
With this, there's no reason not to try it.
To claim this limited-time offer press the yellow “Apply Discount & Check Availability” button below and select your money-saving package and take advantage of today's 100% risk-free opportunity to claim the body, the health, and the life you truly deserve.
NOTE: This discount is a reader-only special and can ONLY be accessed through this page today. This offer will not be available anywhere else. Due to limited stock, this is only available for the first 200 customers.
Try Risk-Free For 60 Days & Love It Or Your Money Back
Get 55% Off For A Limited Time (First 200 Customers Only)
And even though you may not realize that at this moment, right now, you've come to a very real crossroads of a once in a lifetime choice you must make between two very different realities.
The first choice has a reality where you do anything other than finally fixing the one problem holding you back from treating the root cause of your shoulder pain, and stopping you from living the healthy life you truly desire and deserve.
A reality that is full of even more pain, frustration, and despair as your shoulder pain inevitably worsens, your ability to get things done continues to slow down and your health and appearance continues to deteriorate, a reality in which you never feel truly free.
Never free to do what you want without pain, to constantly rely on others for help, and never being able to live the life you really want to live.
Until one day, not so far off, you find yourself feeling completely trapped living inside of a body and a life that's simply a shell of what it once was, of what it could have and should have been.
None of this is what I want for you. And I know this is not what you want for yourself.
There is another reality available for your choosing, a new reality that has been chosen and celebrated by thousands of women and men that have been to this same once in a lifetime crossroads before you.
One in which the constant battle against shoulder pain with endless painkillers, steroid injections, chiropractor, and physical therapy sessions doesn’t exist.
Yet it's a reality where the shoulder pain you've been burdened with for so long, doesn't exist either.
It's a reality in which you have complete and effortless and permanent control of your shoulder, your health and your life.
A reality where each morning you wake up fully revitalized, vibrant, engulfed with natural all day energy and bursting with anticipation to see the younger, healthier you in the bathroom mirror.
A reality in which every relationship you have, the decisions you make and even the opportunities that come your way are all positively affected by the renewed you.
A reality in which you're finally free. Free of the pain, free of the frustration and free of what was holding you back from the body and the life you truly deserve.
And let's face it, this is the reality you've been waiting for your whole life.
You may never forgive yourself if you let today's once in a lifetime opportunity slip between your fingertips.
It's time to do the smart thing, the right thing for you and your family while you still can.
Press the yellow “Apply Discount & Check Availability” button below and select your money-saving package and take advantage of today's 100% risk-free opportunity to claim the body, the health and the life you truly deserve.
NOTE: This discount is a reader-only special and can ONLY be accessed through this page today. This offer will not be available anywhere else. Due to limited stock, this is only available for the first 200 customers.
LIMITED TIME READER-ONLY SPECIAL: Ordering now makes you eligible for 55% OFF the Compression Shoulder Brace™. Only available here. Limited to first 200 customers only.
Try Risk-Free For 60 Days & Love It Or Your Money Back
Get 55% Off For A Limited Time (First 200 Customers Only)
Relieve Shoulder Pain & Target The Root Cause
Get the Compression Shoulder Brace™ today